Unleash Your Gaming Creativity with Frayed Wire Entertainment

Immerse yourself in our world of unique gaming experiences, creativity, and innovation. Join us today!

black Sony PS Vita on brown wooden surface
black Sony PS Vita on brown wooden surface

Exciting Projects

Experience our innovative and engaging indie game development projects.

a video game sitting on top of a table
a video game sitting on top of a table
Our Latest Games

Immerse yourself in our captivating and visually stunning game worlds.

a person is playing a video game on a cell phone
a person is playing a video game on a cell phone
a woman holding a game controller in front of a body of water
a woman holding a game controller in front of a body of water
a woman in a red hat is holding a cell phone
a woman in a red hat is holding a cell phone
Upcoming Releases

Stay tuned for our upcoming game releases and new adventures.

Personal Work

As a member of the frayed wire entertainment team, I have been immersed in the world of indie game development. Collaborating with talented artists, programmers, and storytellers, I have contributed to creating unique gaming experiences that engage players.


Passionate Collaboration with Team

Working late nights, brainstorming marathons, and coffee-fueled design discussions have fueled my creativity as we pursue our dreams in the pixelated universe of frayed wire entertainment.

a person holding a nintendo wii game controller
a person holding a nintendo wii game controller
Creative Teamwork Drives Success

Experience. With our intuitive design and user-friendly interface, your website will captivate visitors. 2

Passionate Indie Game Development Studio

Frayed Wire Entertainment is a passionate indie game development studio that thrives on creativity, innovation, and player engagement. Our small but dedicated team of artists, programmers, and storytellers collaborates to bring unique gaming experiences to life.

blue van on brown wooden shelf
blue van on brown wooden shelf
Incredible creativity!



Passionate Creativity

Immerse yourself in our unique gaming experiences that reflect our commitment.

grayscale photo of three men sitting on vehicle seats
grayscale photo of three men sitting on vehicle seats
man in white button up shirt sitting inside orange bus during daytime
man in white button up shirt sitting inside orange bus during daytime
person holding black android smartphone
person holding black android smartphone
a yellow computer on a table
a yellow computer on a table